Wild Mountain Spirit


This is the Path of Nature and the Rise of Man. All life is sacred. The time has come.
The mountain has spoken.

Nature is my teacher.  I was born in the mountains, close to the forest, wild animals and birds, medicinal plants, close to the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the Sky. As I grew up I learned that everything connects everything else. I learned from the wilderness. I was healed by the wilderness. I am loved by Nature. My best friend is the Mountain. I walk on Earth knowing that I am lovingly held by the power that created all. I bring forth into the seen world the teaching and the medicine of the Mountain, for deeper spiritual understanding and connection, for healing, for love.

My work with people is very organic, intuitively guided by nature, doing what is needed in the space at any give time. I use simple and practical tools, some very well known, some known by very few. If you are coming with me on a journey, expect to enter a different time and space frame, expect transformation, expect healing, expect to be in awe for you will discover what’s underneath your whole life construction.

I did not come to teach you.
I came to love you.
Love will teach you.


sacred journeys

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Past Events

21/06/2019 - 24/06/2019
Cheia, Muntii Ciucas
The Love Weekend

In spatiul Sacru, ne abandonam Vietii. Invatam sa facem din fiecare experienta, un Dar pentru viitor. Este timpul sa lasam deoparte povestile si sa invatam ce inseamna Dragostea.

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03/08/2019 - 05/08/2019
Magura, Piatra Craiului
Fox Walk

Sa ne reamintim sa putem trai o viata simpla, elevata, demna, indiferent de situatia de viata pe care o traim.

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13/08/2019 - 17/08/2019
Test Event

This event is a test.

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25/04/2023 - 11/05/2023

Women's Sacred Journey to Peru

A time to remember, healing, learning, and discovering new dimensions of self, of womanhood, and the world.

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Email: claudiadamoc@gmail.com

Phone Number: +40721269590