Thoughts, Insights, Joy

Am asteptat. Am stat. Am tacut.  Caci stiu sa ascult infinitul si sa-l strecor printre clipele de-aici. Sa nu spui nimanui ce-ai auzit. Nimeni nu stie ce e iertarea. In clipele care se scurg, e doar tacerea. Shhhh…! Asculta nemurirea.


This Life is Joy

If I choose to always grow, maybe she’ll bloom like a wildflower. If I make art of my everyday, she too, will make her days full of colour. If I let tears fall and always when they need, maybe she’ll water the earth with an

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Avoid the extremes. Walk the middle path.

So much has fallen away over these last weeks and months: so much that you thought you ‘needed,’ the identities you believed you had to maintain, your hopes and fears about love, why you’ve come here, and what your ‘purpose’ is. What you knew just

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